Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shopping, Sweetie!

Today, I slept in since I didn't get in until after 4am the night before. But, once I woke up around 1pm, I realized that I had to get my butt into gear and get some shopping done, Sweetie.

My first and most important shopping mission was to pay homage to the brick and mortar version of one of my favorite online stores FRED FLARE! So, I got my trusty directions and took a couple of subways from Manhattan to Brooklyn and made it just in time before Fred Flare's Sunday closing time of 5pm. Of course, the store was SUPER-CUTE!
I was also fortunate enough to meet one of Fred Flare's co-founders/owners, the adorable Keith. He actually rang me up; such a treat!! I told him how big of fan I am, and he couldn't have been sweeter (even though I must have seemed like such a dorky mess).

Then, when I made my way back to Manhattan, I went shopping all up and down 5th Avenue. I think I would have made Edina and Patsy proud!

In my last night in NYC, I met up with my good friend, Jamba, who took me to a delish restaurant called BECCO, which was really close to my hotel.

Then finally, I met up with an old work colleague for drinks at a place called BELMONT LOUNGE. The place was nice enough, but unfortunately the reggae music was too loud to try and have a decent conversation.

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